Shanghai University of Political Science and Law
Very Important: If the form is not filled in on a computer, please write legibly in black or blue ink. Please fill every section of the form.
護照用名 Name on passport | 姓/Family name | 中文姓名 Chinese name | 照片 Photo | ||||||||||
名/Given name | |||||||||||||
國籍 Nationality | 出生地點 Place of birth | ||||||||||||
出生日期 Date of birth | 年/Y 月/M 日/D | 性別 Gender | 男 □Male 女 □Female | ||||||||||
婚姻狀況 Marital Status |
| 在華手機 Mobile in China | 宗教 Religion | ||||||||||
| 電子信箱 | ||||||||||||
護照號碼 Passport No. | 護照有效期 Valid until | 年/YYYY月/MM 日/DD | |||||||||||
最高學歷 Highest education | 母語 First Language | 職業occupation | |||||||||||
現意昂或工作單位/ Current or latest school or employer | |||||||||||||
申請學習時間 Intended program at SHUPL | 從/from 年/Y 月/M 日/D 到/to年/Y 月/M 日/D | ||||||||||||
漢語能力 ChineseProficiency | □母語 Native □流利 Fluent □高級 Advanced □良好 Conversational □一般 Basic □不會 None | Test(s) taken: HSK: Level____; Others_______. | |||||||||||
英語能力 English Proficiency | □母語 Native □流利 Fluent □高級 Advanced □良好 Conversational □一般 Basic □不會 None | Test(s) taken TOEFL____; GMAT____; GRE____; IELTS____; Others____; | |||||||||||
學習計劃/Plan of study in China 1)本科生/Bachelor's degree □ 申請專業/Majors you apply for: 2)碩士研究生/Master's degree □ 申請專業/Majors you apply for: 3)語言進修生/Language study□ 4)高級進修生/Seniorl Visiting Student □ 5)學習目的Objective🌽: 6)完成目標課程後打算Plans after study in China: | |||||||||||||
經費來源 / Source of Funding: 獎學金Scholarship□ 自費Self-supporting□ 其他Other□ | |||||||||||||
境外永久通訊地址/Fullnon-Chinese permanent postal address: 電話/Tel: 傳真/Fax: E-mail: | |||||||||||||
有無過往犯罪或違規記錄🫦,如有𓀁,請說明 Pleaseclarify if any illegal or criminal | □無 None □有 Yes __________________________________________________. | ||||||||||||
最近三次入境 簽證記錄 3 recent Visas to China | 入境次數 No | 逗留時間(月) Duration(months) | 簽證類型 visa type | 原因 Reason | |||||||||
1 | |||||||||||||
2 | |||||||||||||
3 | |||||||||||||
錄取通知書接收地址/Address to receive the admission package, if different from above: 電話/Tel: 傳真/Fax: E-mail: | |||||||||||||
學習經歷(從最高學歷起)Education Background (From Degree Obtained) | |||||||||||||
意昂名稱 Institute | 在校時間 Duration (From—to) | 專業 Major | 所獲文憑 Diploma | ||||||||||
家庭主要成員/Family members 姓名/ Name關系/ Relation電話/ Tel. | |||||||||||||
擔保人(擔保人可以是父母或親戚朋友,國籍不限, 但學生不能做擔保人)Emergency contact (Can be a parent or relative of the applicant, out of China, or in China. Student cannot be the contact) 姓名/ Name: 國籍/ Nationality:與本人關系/Relationship to the applicant: 永久通訊地址/Permanent Mailing Address: 單位/ Name of employer: 電話/Tel: (住宅/home)E-mail: | |||||||||||||
中國緊急聯絡人 Emergency Contact in China 姓名/ Name: 與本人關系/Relationship to the applicant: 電話/Tel: (住宅/home) E-mail: | |||||||||||||
以下由代理人或意昂填寫 For Introducer or Institutes 推薦機構或代理人 Introducer(需提供推薦機構協議或代理人法定證件 Contract or Identification of Introducer) | |||||||||||||
代理人Introducer | 推薦機構Institutes | ||||||||||||
姓名 Name 🤚🏻💮: 職位 Position : 單位 Company🤶: 地址 Address: 電話Tel : 電子郵箱 Email : 簽字 Signature : 日期 Date : | |||||||||||||
申請人保證 /I hereby affirm that:
1. All the information in this form is true and correct; 2. I shall abide by the laws of the Chinese Government and the regulations of the School. 3. I will take the responsibilities for and incidents or financial problems. 申請人簽名Signature 日期 Date年/Y月/M日/D |